Imprisoned Beryl Sorcerer
Quotes (18)
- Imprisoned Beryl Sorcerer whispers: Pathetic fool! A servant of Malygos would sooner die than aid an enemy....
- Imprisoned Beryl Sorcerer whispers: Aargh! Do your worst, <class>! I'll tell you NOTHING!
- Imprisoned Beryl Sorcerer whispers: Aahhhh! Release me! I am of no use to you. I swear it!
- Imprisoned Beryl Sorcerer whispers: Stop! I beg you, please stop. Please....
- Imprisoned Beryl Sorcerer whispers: Alright! I am beaten. Your precious archmage is held in a prison, elevated and sealed. Even if you manage to reach her, Salrand herself holds the key. Your mission is folly!
- Imprisoned Beryl Sorcerer whispers: Enough! I've told you all that I know. Your continued abuse is senseless!
- Imprisoned Beryl Sorcerer whispers: Noooo! This torture is inhumane! You have what you want... why don't you just kill me?
- Imprisoned Beryl Sorcerer whispers: I've given you the information, <race>! You're wasting your time....
- Imprisoned Beryl Sorcerer whispers: What more can you possibly want, <race>?
- Imprisoned Beryl Sorcerer whispers: Aargh!!
- Imprisoned Beryl Sorcerer whispers: Stop! Please...
- Imprisoned Beryl Sorcerer whispers: Why are you here?
- Imprisoned Beryl Sorcerer whispers: How can you possibly bring me lower?
- Imprisoned Beryl Sorcerer whispers: What more can you take away from me?
- Imprisoned Beryl Sorcerer whispers: You've got a darkness in you, <race>.
- Imprisoned Beryl Sorcerer whispers: You aren't even asking me questions...
- Imprisoned Beryl Sorcerer whispers: Are you trying to meet the real me?
- Imprisoned Beryl Sorcerer whispers: You have shown me the face of true evil, <name>.